Evolution’s gift to mankind is the lie that we are just animals, only slightly removed from
apes, with no moral standards, no laws worth obeying, no future, no hope & no God to
comfort us in sorrow or death.
From first grade of school, children are taught that we evolved from cavemen, their “proof”
being supposed half-man/half-ape remains.
Question: Is it true that these skeletal remains have been found? Is man really related to
Answer: a) Man’s DNA is different from apes and monkeys.
b) Man’s number of vertebrae are different from apes and monkeys.
c) Man’s cranial (brain) capacity is very different from apes. Compare orang-utans
and chimpanzees (275-500cc), gorillas (340-752cc), with man (1100-1700cc).
d) Man walks habitually upright. Great apes do not.
Question: If man is the same as 1 million years ago, why did he only leave writings,
buildings and artefacts since 3000 BC?
Key: Early civilizations were advanced, but occasionally, groups would migrate to new
areas and for a time live in “stone age cultures” until they could build cities. Cavemen
wandered from warm to colder climates and chose to live in caves for a time before building
homes in their new land.
Diodorus Siculus (in 60 BC) wrote of primitive people living in caves along the shores of the
Red Sea. That both advanced civilizations and primitive cave cultures lived at the same
time, does not prove human evolution from another species. This coexistence of advanced
& primitive peoples occurs today.
Question: Were these bones belonging to human ancestors via evolution? Consider the
1) Neanderthals. In 1856, workers blasted a cave in the Neander Valley, near
Dusseldorf, Germany to discover limb bones, pelvis, ribs and a skullcap inside. Virchow, a
German anatomist, said that the bones were those of modern men afflicted with rickets and
arthritis, because of bowed legs caused by lack of sunlight.
a) Neanderthals apparently lived at a time when there was not as much sunlight. The
Ice Age came due to volcanic dust pollution worldwide which reduced sunlight.
European weather at the time was cold enough to force people to stay in caves so
they received even less sunlight.
b) In 1973, H. Israel showed that modern humans living to extreme age develop
Neanderthal features such as heavy eyebrow ridges and an elongated cranial vault
(1600cc). There is definite evidence that they were several hundred years old. This
correlates well with Bible records in Genesis 11 of long human lifespans from the
Flood to Moses. (Arphaxad lived 438 years, Salah 433, Eber 464, Peleg 239, Reu
239, Serug 230, Nahor 148, Terah 205, Abram 175).
c) In 1908 a Neanderthal skeleton was found in Poland, buried in a suit of chain armour
not yet fully rusted. (“Neanderthal in Armour”, Nature. April 23, 1908, p. 587).
d) They had well developed art, culture and religion. Most scientists agree that
Neanderthals were just humans who lived in caves for a time. School textbooks have
not yet caught up with this.
2) Cro-Magnon Man. Some Cro-Magnon skeletons have been discovered since 1868 in
France in a cave. Some were over 6 feet tall, with slightly larger cranial volume than
humans today. Some were excellent artists. They kept astronomy records. They were
normal humans, not apes, nor transitions from ape to man.

Q1: Why is it that each time, only one specimen is found? Why not hundreds? If these are
our ancestors, there should be millions of such specimens.
Q2: Why are only small pieces of bone found for each specimen – never a complete
skeleton? The less that is found, the easier it is to make unfounded extrapolated claims for
Q3: If these bones are supposed to be “1 million years old”, why did they not decay in
damp Europe, Kenya and China? How could million year old bones possibly be found in
damp earth?
3) Java Man. Found by Eugene Dubois in 1891 consisted of a skullcap, a femur 50 feet
away and 3 teeth some distance away. Dubois assumed that:
a) All these bones were from the same individual, b) They were 1 million years old, c) So
he told people it was “half human/half ape”, and called it “Pithecanthropus erectus” (erect
ape man). Humans were found buried nearby. The small skullcap portion could fit a human
or a gorilla. Most scientists think it was a human skull portion, but school textbooks still cite
it as about 500,000 years old.
4) Piltdown Man, found in 1912, fooled the scientific world for 40 years until 1953 when
Weiner and Oakley showed it to be a hoax. Someone had put an ape jaw with a human
skull, filed the teeth and stained them to appear as an ancient matching set.
5) Australopithecus, and Ramapithecus is the name given to some ape bones found in
They are all apes. Oxnard and Zuckerman concluded that Australopithecus is an ape, not
human, nor a transition between the two. “Lucy” (an Australopithecus) found in Ethiopia in
1975 had a chimp-sized skull (450cc) and “was surprisingly short-legged”. (Time, 7 Nov.
1979, p.68).
6) Nutcracker Man (Zinjanthropus) was found in 1959 by Lois Leakey in Olduvai Gorge,
East Africa.
Its jaw was much larger than its skull. This was probably another case of mismatched skull
parts. Its skull was ape-like. Because tools were found nearby, Leakey decided it was halfhuman.
A human skeleton was found above it in 1913. In 1961, its skull was dated by the
inaccurate Potassium-Argon method at 1.75 million years. In 1968, the same skull was
dated by the more accurate Carbon-14 method at 10,100 years. Eventually Leakey
conceded that it was just another ape skull.
7) Peking Man was found in 1927-1936 in a Peking garbage dump with thousands of
animal bones. These human bones totalled 14 skulls, 11 jawbones, 147 teeth and a couple
of small arm bone and femur fragments along with stone tools. These were human bones
with smaller brain capacity (1000cc, which some people have today). They had prominent
Neanderthal brow ridges, which some people have today. The openings of the skull bases
had been widened and smashed, as if someone had wanted to scoop out the brains. No
pelvis or ribs were found. All the skulls disappeared during WWII in 1941. In the 1950s,
Ernst Mayr renamed them as Homo Erectus and grouped them with Java Man.
Conclusion: All these bones look only like ape bones or human bones, but never
transitional forms.


Evolutionists say that man is just another animal because we have evolved from other
The Bible says that man is specially created in the image of God to have dominion over the
animals. Little is discussed about the differences betwen man and animals. Consider these
1. Only man can benefit from accumulated knowledge passed on to the next generation as
2. Only man is religious.
3. Only man has an innate sense of morality, of right and wrong, of violated conscience.
4. Only man makes and uses fire and tools.
5. Only man produces art.
6. Men sing, apes don’t.
7. Only man communicates abstract thoughts in sentences, writes, invents and composes.
8. Only man conceptualises eternity.
9. Only man surrounds death with ceremony and funerals.
10. Man is unique physically, biochemically, neurologically, postural with an upright heel-toe
How could these have evolved? Man is so
far above animals that he could not have
evolved from them.
This graph shows how human lifespans
dropped from about 900 years before the
Flood to today’s lifespans after the Flood,
as depicted in Genesis chapters 5, 11.


Evolution pictures modern man as very smart, and ancient man as an unintelligent primitive
animal-like creature. This is flattering to the ego of modern man and makes evolutionists
proudly feel that they are at the top of an advancing evolutionary chain. But is this true?
Was ancient man unintelligent? Evolution incorrectly pictures ancient man as an ape-like
creature called Australopithecus, Cro-Magnon, Neanderthal, Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus
etc. who did nothing significant for 3 million years, then around 2500 BC suddenly began to
build cities and be civilised. Maybe man never was around for 3 million years if he left
nothing behind to show for it.
Archaeology shows ancient man as very intelligent, even able to do things that we cannot
do today.
Question: Why the sudden explosion of intelligence and culture around 2500BC?
A. Because this represented early post-Flood civilisation. The pre-flood civilisation was
destroyed in Noah’s Flood of 2418 BC, according to Bible chronology.
Question: What about cavemen?
A. Primitive tribes of men have existed in the past just as they do today. They were not the
first humans, but degenerate off shoots of mainline human culture.
Job 30:5-8 discusses cavemen: “They were driven forth from among men.....
To dwell in the cliffs of the valleys, in caves of the earth, and in the rocks.”
Many ancient civilisations peaked in culture, but they were destroyed after violence, gross
immorality, human sacrifice (abortion) and demonism (occult) appeared.

Question: Where did Cain get his wife?
A. He married one of his sisters. “Adam ...he begat sons and daughters”. (Genesis 5:4).
The law forbidding marrying a sibling was not given until Moses in 1500 BC.
Question: How intelligent and capable was ancient man?
A: “Nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do”. (Genesis 11:6).
Question: What artefacts did he leave to show his intelligence?
1. Metallurgy. “Tubal-cain, an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron”. Genesis
At the foot of Mount Ararat in Turkey, Russians have found hundreds of ancient ruined
smelting furnaces for bronze, copper, tin etc.
Source: K. Megertchian, Bible Science Newsletter, February 1978, page 3.
Some metal Egyptian artefacts of 2000BC have been electroplated with gold.
Source: “Ancient Electroplating”, 1933 Annual Log, Scientific American Publishing Co.,
New York 1933, p.85.
2. Corrosion Resistant Chinese Sword
Metal swords buried for 2200 years in a Chinese Emporer’s Tomb had been treated with
a preservative that had prevented any corrosion. These swords were alloys of tin,
copper, magnesium, nickel, cobalt and 10 other elements. Source: National
Geographic, April, 1978.
3. Diamond Tipped Iron Cutting Tools
“The sin of Judah is written with the pen of iron, and with the point of a diamond”.
Jeremiah 17:1 (601 BC). 20th Century industry was not the first to discover diamond
cutting tools.
4. Printing a Book using Iron or Lead Letters
“Oh that my words were now written! Oh that they were printed in a book!
That they were graven with an iron pen and lead in the rock forever.” (Job 19:23,24).
Sceptics once doubted Moses’ (1500 BC) ability to write. Here we see Job (maybe
2000 BC) thinking of printing a book using iron or lead letters, which is what we use
The evolutionary idea that ancient earthlings were too primitive to develop technology
on their own, gave rise to Erik von Daniken’s book “Chariots of the gods” where he
suggests that superior aliens brought this technology to earthmen from outer space.
Solomon tells us that there is nothing new under the sun. “There is no new thing under
the sun. Is there anything whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already
of old time, which was before us. There is no remembrance of former things....”
(Ecclesiastes 1:9-11).
He is saying that our new inventions have already existed in ancient times, and that we
have forgotten them. Job said a similar thing: “For inquire, I pray thee, of the former
age....” (Job 8:8).
Long lifespans allow for greater knowledge. Job 12:12 says:
“With the ancient is wisdom; and in length of days is understanding”.
How much science, technology, commerce and industry could develop if people like
Einstein, Getty, Isaac Newton, and Da Vinci, lived for 900 years?
If the Flood occurred in 2418 BC, this date compares well with man’s oldest civilised
records going back to about 3500 BC. These ancient civilisations appear in an
advanced state, without any trace of primitive generations leading up to them. This
contradicts evolution.
5. The Great Pyramid of Cheops. This is one of the oldest buildings on earth. Imagine
the engineering technology required to mine and transport such heavy stones (2 million
x 21/2 tons each block), as well as have no movement in the foundation over 4000 years.
6. Pyramid of the Sun, near Mexico City is 216 feet high.
Its base is 720 feet x 760 feet (Cheops is 750 x 750 feet).
Some think that there may be 100,000 pyramids in Mexico.
7. Mayan solar year.
The ancient Mayans of Central America calculated a solar year to be 365.2420 days
long. Only recently have astronomers calculated it to be 365.2422 days.
Source: National Geographic, December 1975, v.148:6, P.783.
8. The Piri Reis Map of 1513.
This map was copied from more ancient maps going back to before Christ. The curious
thing about this map is that it outlines the actual land coastline of Antarctica. Today the
south pole ice pack permanently covers the Antarctic coastline so that the land coastline
is not visible. Only in 1953 by modern technical methods was Antarctica’s land
coastline charted. How could they chart the coastline in 1513? Source: Ancient Man: A
Handbook of Puzzling Artefacts. W.R. Corliss p.88.
9. Phoenician Language Stone in West Virginia USA.
This stone found in 1838, had Phoenician writing inscribed on it used in Spain before
Christ. How did it get to the USA? Source: “America B.C.” Barry Fell, Simon and
Schuster, N.Y. 1976 p.21.
10. Ancient Polynesians had colonised every habitable island in the Pacific Ocean by
30 AD.
They knew how to navigate by the stars and by ocean currents. Modern man had only
discovered these navigation techniques recently. These Polynesians had methodically
covered over 15 million square miles of open sea. Source:
National Geographic, “Polynesians”, December 1974.
11. Easter Island.
The early Polynesians who settled Easter Island carved
over 600 smoothly sculptured heads out of iron hard
volcanic rock, some weighing 90 tons. Most are 12 to 15
feet high, one being 40 feet tall. How were they carved and
moved several miles from their quarry? What was their
purpose as they look over treeless plains?
“World’s Last Mysteries”, Readers Digest,1967, p.94.
12. Solomon’s 3 Year Ship Voyages. I Kings 10:22 in 1000
BC. Solomon joined with King Hiram of Phoenicia to send
ships on 3 year voyages to bring imports from distant lands. Where did they go to?
Was it Africa, America, or India? If the Polynesians mastered the Pacific ocean by 30
AD, why couldn’t the Phoenicians cross the Atlantic, which was a shorter distance?
13. Ziggurat at Ur, about 2100 BC, in Iraq. The tower of Babel built just after the Flood was
a pyramid or Ziggurat Structure.
14. Ancient Ceramic Battery, in the Baghdad Museum. This ceramic jar contains a copper cylinder suspended in the jar. This copper cylinder had an iron core inserted in it. When grape juice
was put in the jar containing the copper cylinder and iron core, it produced an electric current of 11/2
volts. Ancient people used electricity because electroplated relics have been found dating back to
2400 BC, just after the Flood. “Electric Batteries of 2000 Years Ago”, H.M.Schwalb, Science Digest,
V.41, p.17, April, 1957.
15. Giant Stones of Tiahuanaco in Bolivia.
In Bolivia, high in the Andes mountains at 13,000 feet, are the ruins of Tiahuanaco,
containing massive stone stairways built seemingly to accommodate a race of large
people. Some walls are 16 feet x 26 feet x 1 foot thick. Other stones weigh from 10 tons
to 100 tons each. The stones were quarried and moved from 60 miles away without
wheels or roads. How did they do it?
Natives in the time of the Spanish conquistadors state that:“The great stones one sees
at Tiahuanaco were carried through the air to the sound of a trumpet”.
Source:“The Worlds Last Mysteries,” p.138
16. 2000 Ton stone at Baalbek, Lebanon.
70 foot high columns at Baalbek dating from Roman times were quarried in Egypt,
moved across the Mediterranean Sea, then over mountainous regions to Baalbek. The
foundation stones are much larger. One stone measuring 14 feet x 16 feet x 66 feet,
weighs about 2000 tons. Even with modern equipment we could not move it. Source:
National Geographic, April, 1985.
17. 6000 Terracotta Statues of China’s First Emperor.
These statues of soldiers and horses cover 500 acres dating back to 200 BC. Every
soldiers’ face has a different expression. Imagine the kilns needed to fire thousands of
life sized horses.
This emperor, Chin Shih Huang Ti, codified China’s laws, standardised Chinese writing,
and built canals and public roads. Source: National Geographic, April 1978.
18. Perfectly Preserved Woman for 2100 Years.
A Chinese noblewoman was perfectly preserved wrapped in 20 layers of fine silk. Her
skin is still pliable, her hair was still firmly rooted in her scalp, and X-rays can identify
her last meal eaten and internal organs. How did they halt natural decay processes
immediately, and for so long? Printed cloth was also discovered in her burial chamber;
not painted, but printed. Gutenburg simply re-discovered printing in 1450. Source:
National Geographic, May 1974.
19. Glass lens from ancient Egypt was also discovered.
20. Wooden carving of an aeroplane with a vertical tail fin, and streamlined wing design
was tested and found to be aerodynamically ideal for mechanised flight. Ancient people
may have used flying machines. Source: “Ancient man: A Handbook of Puzzling
Artefacts”. W.R.Corliss, Vol.5, p.88, 1972.
Had Darwin foreseen the coming scientific developments, he would have seen his theory to
be in error. These include:
1. Gregor Mendel had not yet established or published his work on the laws of heredity
and genetics, showing that characteristics passed from parent to offspring according to
precise mathematical ratios. They do not derive by chance random processes in what
Darwin called “blending inheritance.”
2. First law of Thermodynamics stating that energy can neither be created or destroyed,
was only just being developed by Joule and Lord Kelvin. This showed that the universe
could not have created itself.
3. Second law of Thermodynamics states that the universe is degenerating to more
disorder. This shows that things do not of themselves become more organised with
time, as evolution requires.
4. Louis Pasteur was just beginning his famous experiments showing that all life comes
from life, never from non-life.
5. Mathematical laws of probability, showing that the chances of life occurring by
chance are effectively zero, had not yet been applied to the theory of evolution.
The total probability of forming the proteins and DNA for the smallest self-replicating
entity, given astronomically large quantities of reagents and time, is one change in
10167,626. This is 1 chance in 1 followed by 167,626 zeros.
6. Molecular biology, showing that the cell is so enormously complex (like the entire city
of Sydney), that it could not possibly have formed by chance, had not yet commenced
as a science.
7. The Fossil record had not yet been studied sufficiently for palaeontologists to be able
to say, as they now do, that intermediate links between species do not exist.
Any one of these concepts or laws, if known to Darwin and the world in 1859 would
have been enough to destroy Darwin’s evolution theory.
These 6 counter evidences show that evolution could not have taken place, while the
fossil record shows that evolution did not take place.
Today, many scientists modify evolution in any way they can to get around the proofs
against it.
Question: Why is evolution still popular?
Answer: Because of what the alternative involves. If the Biblical account of Creation is
true, then man has sinned against God, and there will be a Day of Judgment for sinful
man for rejecting Christ as Saviour and Creator. Acts 17:31 says:
“He (God) hath appointed a day, in which he will judge the world in righteousness by
that man (Christ) whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all
men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.”
Human conduct is modelled on the philosophy that is accepted at the time.
Few people realise the evil far reaching social effects of the Evolution theory.
1) A New Code of Ethics. Evolution claims that people are just animals, so there is no
right, no wrong, no morality, just the law of the jungle that the fittest, most ruthless,
aggressive animals survive. So by evolutionary reasoning, humans may behave ruthlessly
or aggressively, or any way they please. It has given society a new code of ethics of
survival of the fittest, might is right and the law of the jungle, which replaces God’s law of
love and service. Evolution claims that whatever enables the individual to survive is right
and good for the individual and society, be it cunning or cruelty, cowardice or deceit.
Huxley believed that it was cunning and ruthlessness (violence) that enabled man to evolve
from the beasts. The law of the jungle directs human progress, he thought.
This twisted thinking has resulted in the increase of youth crime today. Evolution is the
greatest curse in today’s education system. This supposed beastly nature of man leads to
people behaving worse than animals, broken homes, increased divorce, increase in crime
and violence, all resulting from the acceptance and practice of evolution. Jesus Christ on
the other hand said: “By love serve one another”.
2) Spread of Atheism among the educated masses. Evolution is atheistic, anti-Christian
and anti-Bible. Evolution and Christianity are totally incompatible opposites. If evolution be
true, then the Fall of Man is false, sin is necessary to survive, Christ’s death and salvation
are not needed. Millions of young people have lost their faith in God by studying Evolution
theory. Huxley said: “Evolution, if consistently accepted, makes it impossible to believe the
Bible”. Evolution leads a person to a state of defiance against God as Creator and Saviour.
If evolution was true, then the Christian faith is a mass of error. Sin is not evil, it is only the
method evolution uses to progress. Nietzsche said: “Neither crime, cruelty, sexuality, nor intoxication need be matters of shame or repentance”. To him, Christian morality was the
chief obstacle preventing the emergence of a superman. Some foolish clergy endorse
evolution through ignorance.
3) On Western Culture. Darwinism unleashed a moral holocaust on the world, teaching a
most vicious set of moral principles that man is an animal and that the most successful
animals are those that are the first to attack and destroy. Darwinism broke man’s link with
God and set him adrift in a purposeless cosmos, altering how men viewed themselves, from
morally accountable creations of God to vicious animals accountable to nobody. Evolution
provides no uplifting standards, values or morality. Darwinism is brutalising mankind today,
by giving scientific sanction to bloodthirsty selfish desires. Evolution has entered every
sphere of behaviour, such as business, science, education and government. The Satanist
Anton La Vey, said that Satan gave him the message that, “We are only animals, and we
should do as we please”. This is evolution’s message. In order to make atheists of
everyone, Julian Huxley taught that the schools must be controlled by evolutionists.
Evolution is the greatest curse in our education system. Evolution is the social basis for
intensified war, immorality, divorce and criminality, which has brought anguish to millions.
4) Marxism and Communism. Karl Marx who wrote “Das Capital”, the basis of
Communism, saw Darwinism as a scientific basis for his theory of social progress. Marx
wrote to Engels on 16 Jan. 1861, “Darwin’s book is very important and serves me as a
basis in natural selection for the class struggle in history.” (C. Zirkle, “Evolution, Marxism
Biology and the Social Scene”, 1959 p.88).
Marx wished to dedicate his book “Das Capital” to Darwin, but Darwin politely declined the
Yeroslavasky, a friend of Joseph Stalin wrote of him:
“Comrad Stalin began to read Darwin and became an atheist”. (Landmarks in the Life of
Stalin,1940, p.8). Stalin killed millions of his own countrymen in World War II by confiscating
the Ukrainian’s food. Evolution is a founding principle of communism. Communists oppose
and persecute Christians.
Both Lenin and Stalin were ardent evolutionists, as are the Chinese Communists.
5) World Wars I and II. Militarism is based on evolution. Nietzsche, the German militarist
and Haeckel helped lay the evolutionary foundations for German militarism which led to
WWI and WWII. Inspired by Darwin’s writings, they pioneered Nazi violence. While Lenin
and Marx applied evolution to the class struggle for supremacy, Haeckel and Nietzsche
applied evolution to permit Germany as the “super race” to conquer inferior races. Hitler’s
book titled “Mein Kampf” (1925) meaning “My Struggle”, was taken from Haeckel’s German
translation of Darwin’s phrase, “the struggle for existence”. Nietzsche, the German militarist
extended Darwin’s principle of “survival of the fittest” to inspire his nation, as the “fittest
nation” to subjugate the world by war.
Hitler applied evolution, claiming that his German race with it’s superior intellect and Aryan
blood was best fitted to survive and control the world. He said: “The whole of nature is a
continuous struggle between strength and weakness, an eternal victory of the strong over
the weak”. This false theory led to his and Germany’s shameful defeat in 1945, thus
showing the world that his philosophy was a lie, and proved the truthfulness of God’s Word:
“The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong”. Ecclesiastes 9:11.
Jesus said: “The meek (not the aggressive) shall inherit the earth”. Matthew 5:5.
Evolution influenced Hitler’s views on the master race, genocide and human breeding
experiments. (R. Clark, “Darwin, Before and After”, 1948, p.115). “Mussolini’s attitude was
completely dominated by evolution. In public utterances, he repeatedly used the Darwinian
catchwords while he mocked at perpetual peace, lest it hinder the evolutionary process.” (R.
Clark, p.115).
6) Racism. The full title of Darwin’s 1859 book is: “On the Origin of Species by Means of
Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life”. Leading
racists have been evolutionists. Darwin and Thomas Huxley were both evolutionists and
racists: “Looking to the world at no very distant date, what an endless number of the lower
races will have been eliminated by the higher civilized races throughout the world”.
(Charles Darwin, Life and Letters, p.318). In the 1910’s, the war was against nations; in the
1930s and 1940s, the war was against races, and in the 1970’s onward, the war has been
against the unborn. “Whites are higher up the evolutionary scale than blacks” is a false
claim of some evolutionary thinkers.
7) Abortion and Crime. Evolutionist abortionists say to women considering an abortion:
“Don’t worry, the foetus is only in the fish stage”. They rarely say how abortion increases
breast cancer.
According to evolution, there is no right, no wrong, no God, no devil, only evolution which
makes all things right. Murder, lawlessness, robbery, abortion, lying, cheating, hedonism
and exploitation is acceptable to evolution. By offering evolution in place of God as a cause
of history, Darwin removed the theological basis of the moral code of Christendom.


Darwin called his book “The Origin of Species” published on November 24, 1859, “my
accursed book.” He thought of himself as a Devil’s chaplain.
His son Francis recalled him saying, “I never gave up Christianity until I was forty years of
In the year before publication he was rarely able to write for more than 20 minutes at a time
without stomach pains. He finished the proof in between fits of vomiting. He said to his
friend J.D. Hooker 10 days before the proofs were bound:
“I have been very bad lately; one leg has swelled like elephantiasis, eyes almost closed up,
and covered with a rash and fiery boils. It was like living in hell. In 1864 he wrote to
Hooker: “I suppose few human beings had vomited so often during the last 5 months.” He
lived in self doubt, fearing that he had devoted his life to a fantasy. He was too sick to
attend his book launch, or to attend the debate between Thomas Huxley and Bishop
Samuel Wilberforce at Oxford on June 30, 1860, or to attend the awarding of his Copley
medal in 1864.
Darwin knew that his idea would destroy the faith of millions of people in God as their
Creator. But what if he was wrong? How could he accept the responsibility of what effect
his theory of “no accountability to God” would have on others? Symptoms of his illness
included vomiting, headache, giddiness, twitching muscles and spots before the eyes. This
is an anxiety-caused psychoneurosis.


1) Some don’t want to be responsible to God for their actions. They don’t like God judging them
for their sins.
2) Sexual freedom. “We objected to the morality because it interfered with our sexual
freedom”. (Aldous Huxley, “Confessions of a Professed Atheist”, Perspectives on the News,
Vol.3 June 1966, p.19).
3) A Way to hide from God. “Darwinism removed the whole idea of God as the Creator of
organisms from the sphere of rational discussion.” (Julian Huxley).
4) It will help destroy religion.

 Carbon-14 Dating Assumptions

Willard Libby (1908-1980) at the University of Chicago discovered the Carbon-14 dating
method in 1946 to date remains of plants and animals. It is summarised as follows:
a) Cosmic rays enter earth’s atmosphere and collide with an atom to create an energetic
neutron, which in turn collides with a nitrogen atom to produce a carbon-14 atom and a
hydrogen atom.
b) The radioactive carbon-14 atom combines with oxygen in the atmosphere, to form carbon
dioxide, which plants and trees absorb and incorporate into plant fibres by
c) Animals and humans eat plants and take in carbon-14. The ratio of normal carbon-12 to
radioactive carbon-14 in the air and in living things is constant until it’s death when it
stops taking in new carbon.
d) After death the carbon-14 decays with a half life of 5700 years while the amount of
carbon-12 remains constant in the sample. By measuring the ratio of carbon-12 to
carbon-14 in the sample and comparing it with the ratio in the living organism, the age of
a formerly living thing may be estimated.
Note: “Fewer than 50 percent of the radiocarbon dates from geological and archaeological
samples in north eastern North America have been adopted as “acceptable” by
investigators.” (J.Ogden, “The Use and Abuse of Radiocarbon” in the Annals of New York
Academy of Science, Vol. 288, 1977, p.167-173).

Assumptions and Errors in Radiocarbon dating:

1. Atmospheric Carbon: For the past several million years, earth’s atmosphere is assumed
to have had the same amount of atmospheric carbon that it now has.
Answer: We know atmospheric conditions were different in ancient times, but we do not
know to what degree this would invalidate ancient dates determined by C-14 analyses.
2. Cosmic rays have reached earth in the same amount as that now.
Answer: Less cosmic rays would have entered earth’s atmosphere before the Flood due
to the earth’s stronger magnetic field then and due to the water vapour canopy. This
would have resulted in less C-14 forming before the Flood than is being formed now, thus
giving the appearance of greater age of pre-flood plant and animal specimens.
3. Magnetic Field Strength is assumed to be constant. This assumption is false, because
earth’s magnetic field strength is decaying with a half-life of 1400 years. A stronger
magnetic field before the Flood would lessen the cosmic rays entering earth, lessen the
amount of C-14 being formed, and give C-14 dates older than the true age.
4. Amount of Carbon-14 at death is assumed to be known.
Answer: How can we know exactly how much C-14 an organism possessed at death? No
one can know this for sure.
5. Water vapour canopy. If earth was warmer or contained more water in the atmosphere
(caused by a water canopy, surrounding earth), then less C-14 would be produced, thus
giving C-14 dates of pre-flood organisms older than their true age.
6. Volcanic activity during and after the Flood would have blocked out much cosmic rays,
thus reducing the amount of C-14 being formed. Post-Flood organisms would have
received less C-14 than those today, thus making those animals and civilizations appear
to be much older by C-14 dating methods than their true age. With the passing of time, C-
14 levels would have increased until about 1000BC, where they would have been close to
today’s levels.
Key: This is why radiocarbon dates back to 600BC correlate better with historically
proven dates over the last 2600 years. Discrepancies still exist since 600BC. Prior to
600BC, dates given by radiocarbon analysis begin lengthening out excessively.
7. Loss of Carbon-14 from a specimen by the flood, rainfalls, oceans and below ground
moisture will invalidate its C-14 age. If there is less Carbon-12, there’ll be less C-14 in a
8. Sunspot effect on C-14 production.
i) From 1100-1240AD there was high sunspot activity (cool spots) giving less C-14
ii) From 1420-1530AD and from 1639-1720AD there was low sunspot activity, no aurora
seen, an increase in solar wind, and higher C-14 production.
9. Libby’s C-14 Discrepancy. Libby found a serious discrepancy at a certain point in past
history that indicated his assumed build up of atmospheric C-14 was inaccurate. (‘Evolution
or Degeneration?’, H.R Seigler, 1972, p.80-81). Seigler suggests that the catastrophic effects
of the Flood would explain this discrepancy along with the vast water canopy shielding
earth from C-14 buildup. Before 1600BC radiodating tends to go wild. The Flood
(2418BC) and abnormal post-Flood conditions explain this.
10. C-14 Data points to the Flood. Millions of plants and animals died during the Flood.
We would expect that C-14 dating should produce many specimens that died at about the
same time.
In 1970, R. Whitelaw of Virginia Polytechnic Institute carefully compiled 25,000 C-14 dates
from the research literature, of people, animals and vegetation.
He charted his results which showed that deaths peaked at about 4500 years ago (about
This agrees well with the Bible’s date for the Flood as 2418BC. 15,000 out of 25,000 C-
14 dates peaked around 2500BC. (R.Whitelaw, CRS Quarterly, 7. (1970):56).
11. Amino Acid Dating by Decomposition.
Traces of amino acid still exist all through the fossil strata. This means that no fossils are
millions of years old as evolution requires.