Bible Reading: Genesis 1
Sixteen Bible passages say that God created life on earth:
1. "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth". Genesis 1:1.
2. "So God created man in his own image, ... male and female". Genesis 1:27.
3. "The Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created ..." Genesis 6:7.
4. "The day that God created man upon the earth". Deuteronomy 4:32.
5. "Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out
their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might ....."
Isaiah 40:26.
6. "Hast thou not known? Hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the Lord, the
Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? There is no searching of
his understanding." Isaiah 40:28.
7. "I have created him (humans) for my glory". Isaiah 43:7.
8. "I have made the earth, and created man upon it". Isaiah 45:12.
9. "Hath not one God created us?" Malachi 2:10.
10. "For in those days shall be affliction, such as was not from the beginning of creation,
which God created unto this time". Mark 13:19.
11. "But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female." Mark 10:6.
12. "For by him were all things created, that are in heaven and earth......" Colossians 1:16.
13. "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being
understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that
they are without excuse." Romans 1:20.
14. "Who changed the truth of God (creation) into a lie (evolution), and worshipped and
served the creature (himself) more than the Creator (God), who is blessed for ever.
Amen." Romans 1:25.
15. “God, who created all things by Jesus Christ:” Ephesians 3:9.
16. “For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and are in earth….all things
were created by him and for him:” Colossians 1:16.
17. "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou has created
all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." Revelation 4:11.
18. "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not ....."
Ecclesiastes 12:1.
Aim: God created man by intelligent design in 6 days 6000 years ago. Man did not evolve
by unintelligent random processes over millions of years. We are accountable to God as
our Creator.
Most schools teach that evolution is right.
What scientific evidence is there for creation by God in 6 days 6000 years ago?


For evolution to be remotely possible, many millions of years are needed. If it can be
shown that the earth is young (about 6000 years old), and not millions of years old (as
required by evolution), then evolution would not have enough time to happen. Consider
these examples pointing to a young earth:


1. Galaxy star clusters (spirals with billions of stars) move so rapidly that they would not
stay together if the universe were very old.
2. Large Stars. Some stars are so large that they radiate energy 10,000 to 1 million times
more rapidly than our sun. They could not have contained enough hydrogen to radiate
this fast for millions of years, because their initial mass would have been too big. These
O and B class stars, and P Cygni stars could not continue atomic fusion longer than
50,000 to 300,000 years.
3. Abundant Hydrogen in stars. Hydrogen in stars is continually being converted into
Helium. Hydrogen cannot be made from other elements. Fred Hoyle states that, if the
universe were as old as Big Bang theorists think, then there would be little hydrogen left,
as it would be converted to Helium by now. Spectra from stars reveal abundant
hydrogen in stars.This implies a young universe.


4. Solar shrinking. Since 1836, over 100 different observers at the Greenwich
Observatory and US Naval Observatory have measured the sun’s diameter to shrink
at 0.1% per century or 5 feet per hour. At this rate, 50,000 years ago the sun would
have been so large as to boil earth’s oceans, making life on earth impossible. 100,000
years ago our sun would have been twice as large.
5. Rare Solar Neutrinos. In 1968 it was discovered that our sun emits hardly any
neutrinos. This lack of solar neutrinos irrefutably points to a recently created sun. (A
neutrino is an uncharged particle of no or very little mass, travelling at the speed of
light, and is produced in the sun when protons and electrons react to form neutrons.)
6. Comets elliptically orbit the sun and are thought to be as old as the sun. As comets
orbit the sun, they lose some of their water and gases from the sun’s heat, gravity and
tail formation. The tail consists of material driven away from its head by solar energy.
Some comets regularly seen in the 19th Century have broken up and vanished, or
plunged into the sun. All comets should self-destruct in a short ime, less than 10,000
years. There should be no comets left. Evolution cannot explain comets in an old solar
system. Comets are young objects created in a young solar system.
7. Solar Wind. As the sun’s radiation flows outward, it applies an outward force on very
small particles orbiting the sun. All particles smaller than 100,000th of a centimetre
should have long ago been ‘blown out’ of our solar system if it were billions of years
old. Yet satellite studies show that these small particles are abundant and still orbiting
the sun. This implies a young solar system.
8. Solar Drag. (Poynting-Robertson Effect). Small and medium size rocks circling the
sun are gradully drawn into the sun by gravity. The sun acts like a giant vacuum
cleaner, sweeping up about 100,000 tons of micrometeoroids each day. Each particle
absorbs and re-radiates energy from the sun, causing them to slow down and fall into
the sun. At today’s rate, our sun would have sucked in most solar dust particles larger
than 100,000th of a centimetre in less than 10,000 years, and all of it within 50,000
years. Yet the abundance of these particles, with no known source of replenishment,
points to a young solar system.


9. Meteoroids bombarding Saturn’s rings would have destroyed them in less than
10,000 years. (W T Brown, In the Beginning, p 18).
10. Solid Ammonia in Saturn’s rings, with a higher vapour pressure than ice, could not
survive long without vaporising into space. Young rings imply a young Saturn.
11. Jupiter’s Moons. If they evolved, they should be physically alike, having the same
amount of volcanoes and impact craters, but this is not so. Evolution claims that all
planets were molten 5 billion years ago and volcanic activity stopped 4 billion years

ago as they cooled. The moons Ganymede and Callisto have no volcanoes and many
impact craters. Europa has no volcanoes and no impact craters. Io has 7 active
volcanoes and no impact craters. Titan has volcanoes.
12. Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune (4) have rings, which could not survive 4 billion years.
Jupiter’s intense magnetic field radiation would sweep out its rings. (Bradford Smith, a
Voyager Scientist).
13. Venus’ high temperature and little erosion, imply a young age for Venus. If Venus
was 4 billion years old, its dense atmosphere should have worn away its craters.
14. Mars has little erosion and some water. Mars has many sharp edged craters and
volcanoes, as well as month-long dust storms. Several thousand years of this weather
would have seriously eroded these edges and its strong colour differences. Powerful
solar UV radiation would have long ago broken down the small amount of water,
releasing the oxygen into the atmosphere and hydrogen into space. Evolution predicts
no surface water and much atmospheric oxygen, but measurements show the
opposite being some surface water and very little atmospheric oxygen.


15. Lunar Gases. Argon 36 and Krypton 84 inert gases on the moon came from the sun
as ‘solar wind’. Based on today’s solar wind intensity, today’s amount of these gases
would be built up in under 10,000 years.
16. Lunar Recession. Due to tidal friction, the moon is moving away from earth at about 4
cm per year (1 ½ inches). At this rate, 5 billion years ago the moon would have been
200,000 Km closer.
17. Lunar quakes, lava flows and gas emissions show that the moon is not a cold, dead
body. It is still adjusting to inner stresses and is not yet in thermal equilibrium. If it were
5 billion years old, it would not show such thermal activity.
18. Lunar Isotopes. Short-lived Uranium 236 and Thorium 230 were found in moon rocks.
If the moon were 5 billion years old, these isotopes would long ago have decayed to
lead. But instead they are relatively abundant in moon rocks. Thorium 230 has a halflife
of 75,400 years, and Uranium 236 of 23 million years.
19. Moon dust comes from meteorite dust and from solar radiation breaking surface
rocks to dust at a rate of 3/10,000ths of an inch per year. The one-eighth of an inch of
moon dust implies a young moon, not a 5 billion year old moon.


20. Atmospheric Helium comes from radioactive decay of Uranium and Thorium as they
emit alpha particles (Helium nuclei), as well as alpha particles from the sun. Although
hydrogen can escape earth’s atmosphere, Helium cannot.
Years to reach present Helium level = Present mass of Helium
Rate of Helium formation each year
= 3.5 x 1015 grams Helium
3 x 1011 grams Helium formed p.a.
= 11,600 years to reach present levels.
If earth was 4 billion years old, there would be 400,000 times more Helium in the
atmosphere. Where is it? This date of 11,600 years is closer to the Biblical age of
earth of 6,000 years.


21. Meteorite Dust. 20 million meteors enter earth’s atmosphere every 24 hours. These
add 25 tons weight to earth each day. Meteorite mass added to the earth in 4 billion
= 25 tons x 365 x 4 x 109 tons
= 3.65 x 1013 tons added.
Surface area of earth = 196,800,000 square miles.
Mass of meteorite dust per square mile = 3.65 x 1013 tons
1.96 x 108 sq miles
= 186,000 tons per sq mile
Where is all this meteorite dust? It is not there. This implies a young earth.
22. Meteorite Craters only occur on the earth’s surface, never being found in the rock
strata. If earth were 5 billion years old, we would find many meteorite craters in the
sedimentary rock strata, but we don’t. Thus all meteorites which have struck the earth,
have hit it in the last 5000 years.
23. Meteorites and Tektite Showers are only found at or close to the earth’s surface,
never in the deeper sedimentary rock strata. If earth were ancient, many would be
found all through the geological column. ‘No meteorites have ever been found in the
geological column’ (Fred Whipple, ‘Comets’ in The New Astronomy, p 207). This
points to a young earth with sedimentary strata deposited recently and quickly.


25. Oil Well Pressure. When oil drillers first penetrate oil wells, oil gushes out because
the oil and gas are under great pressure from surrounding rocks. Sedimentary rocks
surrounding the oil wells are porous. Studies of these show that the oil would seep out
before 100,000 years, but this has not happened. This great oil pressure argues
strongly against millions of years age for oil wells, and implies an age for oil of around
10,000 years. Oil, coal and gas were formed during the Great Flood 4,400 years ago
(in 2418BC).
26. Lack of Anciently Destroyed Oil Reservoirs. If earth were very old, we would find
empty oil reservoirs, where all the oil had leaked out, leaving only residues which
would show in drilling cores. Such locations are never found, thus showing that all the
world’s oil reserves were formed recently.
27. Earth’s Molten Interior. Deep within the earth, the rocks are molten. The earth is
slowly cooling from the surface inwards according to Stefan’s Law of Radiation. Lord
Kelvin in 1889 calculated that the earth could not be billions of years old because of
earth’s known rate of cooling, the existing temperature gradient in the earth, and the
assumption that the earth could not have been hotter than “white hot” initially.“Popular
Lectures and Addresses”(London: MacMillan, 1889, p.415).
If earth were billions of years old, it would have cooled far more than it now has, even
if we assume a radioactively generated heating mechanism. (W T Brown, In the
Beginning, p 17).
28. Zircon/Lead Ratios. Radiogenic lead slowly leaks out of Zircon crystals at normal
temperatures, but leaks out more rapidly as the temperature increases. Careful study
of zircon crystals from core samples 15,000 feet deep at 313oC in New Mexico show
that almost no radiogenic lead had leaked from that super-heated zircon. This strongly
points to a young earth.
29. Radiohaloes shorten geologic ages of millions of years to a few thousand years.
Radiohaloes are colour rings around microscopic radioactive minerals in rock crystals.
“Squashed” Polonium-210 radiohaloes indicate that Jurassic, Triassic and Eocene
formations in the Colorado Plateau were deposited within months of one another, not
from 225-255 million years apart, as evolution claims.
“Orphan” Polonium-218 radiohaloes, having no evidence of their mother elements,
imply either instant creation, or drastic changes in radioactive decay rates.


30. Topsoil accumulation. The average topsoil depth worldwide is 8 inches. Allowing for
losses due to erosion, calculations show that it takes 300 to 1,000 years to accumulate
one inch of topsoil. On this basis the earth would be about 6,000 to 8,000 years old.
31. Niagara Falls erosion is about 7 feet per year. From their first mapping in 1678 to
1842, the water wore away the top of the falls at a rate of 7 feet per year. Since the
gorge is 7 miles long,
the age of the Falls = 7 miles x 5280 feet/mile = 5,280 years (approximately)
7 feet per year
This is close to the time of Noah’s Flood 4,400 years ago, especially since the Falls
would have eroded faster just after the Flood. For other large waterfalls, the cut
distances and rates of erosion agree well with the Falls’ origin 4,400 years ago.


32. Coral Growth rates accurately measured under favourable growth conditions, show
that no known coral formation is older than 3,500 years. (A A Roth, ‘Coral Reef
Growth’, Origins, Vol 6, No.2, 1979, p 88).
33. Sea ooze. As fish and ocean plants die, they fall to the bottom and form an ooze, or
very soft mud on the ocean floor at a rate of one inch every 1,000-5,000 years.
Measuring the depth of this ooze indicates a young earth.
34. Ocean Concentrations of elements from rivers and springs. If we assume, as
evolutionists must, that the oceans were 100% freshwater (0% mineral content) at the
beginning of earth’s history, and knowing today’s amount of each element in the
oceans, we may calculate how long each element took to reach today’s concentration
level. Of the 51 main elements in sea water, 20 could have accumulated to today’s
level in 1,000 years; 9 other elements in 10,000 years, and 8 others in 100,000 years.
For example, Lead (2,000 years); Silicon (8,000 years); Vanadium (10,000 years);
Cobalt and Nickel (18,000 years); Caesium (40,000 years); Bismuth (45,000 years);
Mercury (42,000 years); Copper (50,000 years); Tin (100,000 years); Sodium (260
million years). Sodium gives the longest accumulation time, so by this method, earth
could be no older than 260 million years.
35. Ocean sediment. There is not enough sediment on the sea floors for earth to be 5
billion years old. Rivers add about 28 billion tons of sediment to the oceans each year.
If this had occurred for 1 billion years, the continents would have eroded away many
times. There would be a layer of sediment on the ocean floor at least 60 miles thick.
However, the average depth of sediment on the ocean floor is about 800 metres, and
the continents have not eroded once yet. The Tasman Sea off Australia is not part of a
subduction zone of ocean floor being pushed deep into the earth. Subduction zones
could not dispose of 10% of incoming sediment. Hence, sea floors seem young.
36. Juvenile water coming out of volcanoes has never been in the oceans before. About
1 cubic mile of water is added yearly. 340,000,000 cubic miles of water are on earth's
Question: How many years would it take to accumulate 340 million cubic miles of
Answer: 340 million years. This implies that there were no oceans 340 million years
ago, the supposed age of fishes. So how could life have evolved in the oceans 2,000
million years ago if there were no oceans then? (Source: H. Morris, Scientific
Creationism, p.156).
37. Delta Filling. The Mississippi river dumps
about 300 million cubic metres of sediment
into the Gulf of Mexico each year. If this
river were millions of years old, the Gulf
would have been filled long ago. Since the
delta grows about 250 feet per year, it’s
age calculates to about 4000 years, very
close to the Flood 4,400 years ago.
Source: B.Allen, Geologic Age of
Mississippi, CRS Vol. 9, p.96-114.


38. Tree Rings. The oldest living things are Bristlecone pines growing in Eastern Nevada,
aged about 4,600 years old (sometimes producing 2 growth rings per year, so their
age would be less), and Sequoia Gigantea in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, which are
never older than about 4,000 years. These giant redwoods have no known enemies,
and never have any dead trees among them. Unless man cuts them down, they never
seem to die. 17 Bristlecone pines are dated about 4,000 years old. Since the Flood
occurred about 2,418 BC, this implies that:
a) all the pre-Flood Sequoias and Bristlecones were wiped out by the Flood, and
b) there is no record of any living tree older than the Flood.
Question: If evolution were true, why do we find none of these trees dated 15,000
years or older?
Answer: Because evolution is false. These old trees were planted just after the Flood
in 2418 BC.
39. Dinosaur DNA is so rare that the first sample was discovered in 1995. DNA
decomposes soon after the specimen dies. There is no known way for DNA to
survive for 70 million years.


40. Man’s Recorded History.
If man has lived on earth for 1 million years, why do we only find human records going
back to about 3500 BC? This cuneiform tablet is the oldest human writing from
Sumeria. When human records first appear, they show man to be highly developed
with a sophisticated civilisation. This agrees better with a creation date of 4074 BC
than with evolution’s 1 million year history of man. Why did man do nothing for 1
million years? Because he has only been here for 6,000 years.
41. Bible Records. The Bible is valid history and should not be dismissed. It consistently
verifies authentic archaeological research. If the Bible’s post Flood dates have been
confirmed as accurate by cross checking them with Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian
and solar eclipse records, then surely the same accuracy must apply to Biblical dates
from Creation (4074 BC) to the Flood (2418 BC) in Genesis 1-10.
42. Astronomical Records. Because of the rarity of solar eclipses at any given location,
and because astronomers can date every solar eclipse going back thousands of
years, when an ancient tablet or manuscript mentions a solar eclipse, we can
accurately date that record, and other events associated with it in other countries.
Before 2250 BC, we have no records of any solar eclipse being seen by man. “The
earliest Chinese date which can be assigned with any probability is 2250 BC, based
on an astronomical reference in the Book of History”. (Ralph Linten, The Tree of
Culture (1955), p 520).
43. Writing. The oldest writing is a Sumerian pictograph written on clay tablets dated
about 3500 BC.
44. Pyramids. Do evolutionists expect us to believe that man sat around for 1 million
years doing nothing, building nothing, showing no signs of intelligence or engineering,
then suddenly design and build highly technical pyramids in Egypt, the oldest being
the step Pyramid for King Zoser in about 2600 BC? This date closely matches the
Biblical Flood date of 2418 BC. This confirms Bible chronology better than
evolutionary speculation and guesswork.

Conclusion: The evidence for creation dating is clear and scientific, being confirmed from
many scientific disciplines and archaeological records.

Question: How do evolutionists/geologists construct this time scale?
Answer: They start with the assumption that “since life is here, life has evolved”.
Any simple fossil is dated early, and any complex fossil is dated later.
Question: How are ages assigned to rock strata?
A. 1. They approximate ages by spreading fossils over the total time assumed for their
2. Radioactive datings and age estimates based on strata thicknesses assign more
specific ages.
Strata thicknesses are dated on the assumption that rock strata were laid down in
the past at the same rate as today, about one foot every 5000 years.
A worldwide Flood of Noah’s kind would disprove this assumption. Most organisms
on dying are not fossilised because they rot bacterially or are eaten by scavengers.
For example, consider the millions of North American bison killed by Buffalo Bill and
others. Where are their fossils? Nowhere, because they were not suddenly buried
by a catastrophe, but were eaten by scavengers, or rotted, decayed and dissipated.
Dust and leaves falling over a carcass will not preserve it.
Evolutionists follow this faulty circular reasoning:
1. Assume evolution.
2. Datings that fit are accepted, those datings not fitting are rejected.
3. Arrange rock strata on a chart so organisms progress from simple to complex.
4. Contradictions to “Correct” order are explained away.
3. FOSSILS and ARTEFACTS of Early Man that Contradict Evolutionary Succession.
1) Guadeloupe Woman was discovered in 1812 in the Caribbean island of Guadaloupe,
in a 1 mile long limestone formation that evolutionists date as 28 million years old. This
is a full 25 million years earlier than when man is supposed to have appeared on earth.
When this 2 ton limestone block containing Guadeloupe woman was first exhibited in
the British Museum in 1812 it was shown as proof of the Genesis Flood. In 1881 it was
transferred to the museum’s basement.
2) Calaveras skull found mineralised in 1876. It was found 130 feet below ground in the
Sierra Nevada mountains of California. The skull was authenticated by a physician as
equivalent to modern man and certified by an evolutionist (J.D. Whitney, Chief of the
California Geological Survey) as having been found in Pliocene Stratum (supposedly 2-
5 million years old). This disproves evolutionary dating of rock strata and of ancient
3) Castinedolo skull found in Castinedolo, Italy is perfectly human and found in Pliocene
strata (supposedly 2-5 million years old).
4) Two Moab skeletons were found in Cretaceous rock (at Moab, Utah) supposedly
dated as 70-135 million years old. The University of Utah Anthropologist, J.P. Marwitt
certified them as definitely Homo Sapiens. (Creation Res. Soc. Qtly, Sept 1973, p.110).
Technicians at the University of Arizona dated the skeletons by the nitrogen retention
test as under 5000 years old. F.A. Barnes in “The Case of the Bones in Stone” in
“Desert” 38 (Feb. 1975,p.36) describes two 100 million year old human skeletons,
buried under 15 feet of rock which was bulldozed off. Their bones were still together at
the joints, and stained green by copper salts from the surrounding rocks. In turn, the
surrounding rocks were stained by the organics from the bodies. Evolution dates this
rock and hence this human skeleton at 97 million years before humans supposedly
5) Freiberg skull found in brown coal in 1842, displayed in the Mining Academy in
Freiberg (Saxony). (Otto Stutzer, Geology of Coal, (1940), p.271).
6) Gold Chain in Coal. In 1891, Mrs S.W. Culp in Morrisville, Illinois, dropped and broke
a chunk of coal to find embedded in it a 10 inch, 8 carat gold chain. Since evolutionists
claim that coal was deposited in the Carboniferous period (300 million years ago), and
man supposedly appeared 3 million years ago, they have the problem of a man-made
gold chain dated 300 million years before man appeared on earth.
Question: How can a man made article exist before man appeared?
Answer: Evolution never happened, man is recently created 6000 years ago, the
Geological Column and radiometric dating methods are wrong. (Morrisville, Illinois
Times, June 11, 1891).
7) Iron Pot in Coal. Professor W. Rusch has
reported an iron pot encased in coal dated by
evolutionary standards at 300 million years old.
(Creation Research Quarterly (March, 1971)
The pictured affidavit reads as follows:
Sulphur Springs, Arkansas, November 27, 1948.
While I was working in the Municipal Electric Plant in Thomas, Okla. in 1912, I came
upon a solid chunk of coal which was too large to use. I broke it with a sledge
hammer. This iron pot fell from the center, leaving the impression or mold of the pot in
the piece of coal. Jim Stall (an employee of the company) witnessed the breaking of
the coal, and saw the pot fall out. I traced the source of the coal, and found that it
came from the Wilburton, Oklahoma Mines.
Frank J. Kenwood
Sworn to before me, in Sulphur Springs, Arkansas this 27th day of November, 1948.
Julia L (?)
8) Child’s Spoon. In 1937, Mrs Myrna Burdeck and her mother found a child’s spoon in
soft Pennsylvania coal. (Creation Research Quarterly, June 1976, p.74).
9) Metal Bowl. An intricately carved metal bowl was blasted out of solid pudding stone.
(Scientific American, June 5, 1852).
10) Bell Shaped Silver Vessel. Workmen blasting near Dorchester, Massachusetts in
1851, found a bell shaped metal vessel with inlaid silver floral designs embedded in
solid rock. (Scientific American, June 1851).
11) Iron Nails.
a) Sir David Brewster found an iron nail in Cretaceous rock (65-144 million years ago)
in the Kingoodie Quarry, North Britain in 1845. The last inch of the nail was embedded
in the stone. (David Brewster, Report of meeting of the British Association for the
Advancement of Science, Vol. 14).
b) Hiram Witt while searching for gold in California 1851, dropped and broke a piece
of quartz to find an iron nail with a perfect head inside. (The London Times, 1851).
12) The Nampa Image is a baked clay figure obtained from a well
being bored in 1889 at Nampa, Idaho. It was pumped from
rocks 300 feet deep under a “Tertiary” lava sheet (12 million
years old.) The problem for evolutionists is how can a man
made clay figure 12 million years old (supposedly) have been
laid down before man evolved 3 million years ago
Source: American Geologist, F.Wright, 23 (1899), p.267.

13) Human and Dinosaur Footprints in the same rock strata:

i) Glen Rose, Texas (40 miles south-west of Dallas) at the Paluxy River contains
hundreds of Human footprints both normal and giant size, along side trails of large
three-toed dinosaur and Brontosaurus footprints in early Cretaceous limestone dated
120 million years old. Both man and dinosaur are apparently running. These prints
were first noticed after a 1908 flood when the Paluxy river rose 27 feet.
Clifford Burdick, a mining geologist and Ronald Bird, a paleontologist with the American
Museum of Natural History carefully examined and reported on the footprints in
“Natural History”, May 1939, p.255 and in “The Naturalist”, Spring 1957.
In 1938, Bird Transported some of the Brontosaurus tracks to the American Museum of
Natural History in New York City.
Human footprints have been found in layers below that of the dinosaur footprints.
Over 100 human footprint trails have been studied in the Paluxy River area.
These refute evolution’s long ages and show that both man and dinosaur lived at the
same time.
ii) Turkmenia. Notice this report in the Sydney Morning Herald, 21 Nov. 1983,
“A report from the Soviet news agency, Tass, says that about 1500 tracks made by
dinosaurs have been found in Turkmenia – but among those prints are those
resembling the footprints of a man. According to Professor Amanniyazov, director of
Turkmenia’s Institute of Geology: “If further analysis proves that the prints have been
left by anthropoids, the history of mankind will be extended to 150 million, not 5 million
Why did Professor Amanniyazov assume dinosaur extinction 150 million years ago as
absolutely certainty? Why did he not consider the alternative position of dinosaurs
living with man recently?
The fact that dinosaur and human footprints have been found in the same rock strata
proves that man and dinosaurs lived at the same time.
This is a great problem to evolutionists who believe that dinosaurs became extinct 70
million years ago. Evolutionists claim that dinosaurs died out 67 million years before
man appeared.
These footprints prove that:
a) Man and dinosaur lived at the same time, and
b) The evolutionary geological column is completely wrong in its dating of rocks.
The evidence for these tracks being genuine are:
i) The tracks of man and dinosaur are widely distributed from Turkestan to Texas.
ii) The tracks are mostly exposed by bulldozers or erosion.
iii) Two Palaeontologists have pronounced them genuine:
- Dr. Camp of the University of California, and
- Dr. G. Westcott of Ypsilanti, Michigan.
iv) The associated dinosaur tracks are accepted as valid.
v) Some prints have ridges of mud pushed up around them.
vi) Upon sawing through the footprints, the rock particles underneath are more
compressed than particles surrounding the prints.
Source: “Scientific American”, A.G. Ingalls: “The Carboniferous Mystery” 162 (1940),
page 14. See R.L. Wysong “The Creation-Evolution Controversy”, p.373.
iii) Trilobites in Shoeprint. In June 1968, William Meister unearthed a fossil
shoeprint in the “Wheeler Mid-Cambrian” strata at Antelope Springs, Utah. Trilobites
were embedded in both heel and toe. The shoeprint measured 10.25 inches long by
3.5 inches wide, belonging to a right foot which had stepped on several trilobites.
Seven other shoe tracks were found in the area precluding this as a quirk. Man and
trilobite living together would disprove 500 million years of the geological column.
(“Why Not Creation?” M.Cook, Grand Rapids, Baker, 1970, p.185-193).
iv) Arizona tracks near Tuba City in the Glen Canyon group, which is late Triassic to
early Jurassic strata, dated by evolutionists from 100-175 million years ago. Over 60
human tracks were mapped and photographed, some with shoes, some barefooted,
some standing still, others walking. At least 300 tridactyl dinosaur tracks have been
found in the same strata.( Creation Research Quarterly, Sep, Dec, 1989).
v) Nevada tracks. Miners digging in a coal seam in Fisher Canyon, Pershing County,
Nevada, found a shoeprint so clear that traces of sewed thread are visible. The coal it
was found in has an evolutionary date of 15 million years, long before man “evolved”.
(Source: Andrew Tomas, “We Are Not The First”, 1971, p.24).
vi) Nicaragua tracks. Human footprints were found near Lake Managua, Nicaragua,
16-24 feet beneath the surface, under 11 strata of rock. Mastodon bones and other
fossils have been found in strata above the human footprints. Other human footprints
have been found in South America; New Harmony, Indiana; St. Louis, Missouri;
Herculaneum, Missouri; Kingston, New York; Berea, Kentucky; Carson City,Nevada.
(Source: Creation Res. Soc. Qtly, March 1971, p. 205).
14) Hammer in “300 million year old” Limestone in London, Texas.
This hammer is obviously man made. The problem here for evolutionists is that this
artefact shows that man lived at the same time as when limestone was deposited.
Source: “Creation or Evolution” G. Rehn.
15) Dinosaur Pictographs.
Pictures of dinosaur, ibex and other creatures have
been found on the walls of the Havasupai Canyon
by S. Hubbard, Honorary Curator of Archaeology
of the Oakland Museum in the late 1800’s.
Does this show man and dinosaur living at the
same time?
Source: “Arizona Highways”. E. Scoyen, 27 July
1951 p.36-39.
16) Sculptures of Extinct Birds.
Jose Diaz Bolio, a Mexican archaeologist discovered ancient Mayan sculptures of a bird
like an Archaeopteryx.This would create a 130 million year discrepancy between
Archaeopteryx extinction and man’s first appearance. Archaeopteryx and man should
never have met if evolution is true. Source: Science Digest, “Serpent Bird of the
Mayans” 64 (Nov. 1968).
17) Five Toed Llama Etchings on Pottery. Evolution claims 5 toed Llamas were extinct 30
million years ago. Source: R.L. Wysong, p.378.
18) Pollen in Pre-Cambrian Strata. Pollen from
Angiosperm and Gymnosperm trees (woody
plants supposedly 260 million years old have
been found in Pre Cambrian Hakati shale in the
Grand Canyon (supposedly 570 million years
old). The problem here for evolutionists is conifer
pollen existing 300 million years before it
appeared on earth. Some spores are stained
with red oxide from surrounding rocks, thus
proving that the spores are not from present day
Source: Nature, R. Stainforth, 210 (1966) p.292.


Creationists state that all geological history can be explained by creation and a
worldwide flood in the last 6000 years. Consider the following evidence for this:
1. Pre-Cambrian void, then abundant, complex Cambrian fossils
Pre-Cambrian rocks are the pre-Flood basement.
Post-Cambrian rocks are the post-Flood fossil rich strata. Earliest Cambrian rocks
(supposedly 500 million years old) contain highly complex, diversified animal fossils
which suddenly appeared.
Question: How could this complex range of fauna evolve so suddenly and quickly?
This was as unexplainable to Darwin as it is to Evolutionists today.
Answer: Creationists easily explain this as the pre-Flood, post-Flood demarcation.
The “2 billion year” geological column used to support the evolution of life, is actually a
record of the destruction of life by the worldwide flood.
The geological column is a record of life’s departure, not of life’s coming.
The geological column represents 2 or 3 months deposition not 2 billion years, as this
chart shows:
2. Fossilisation. The existence of billions of plant and animal fossils preserved in the
earth’s crust speaks of a flood catastrophe. The fossil record is not “incomplete” as
evolutionists argue, (incomplete only because it does not contain the links they need to
prove evolution), but is quantitatively huge, with a greater variety of species than are alive
Consider these fossil examples supporting the worldwide flood:
i) Coal and Oil Reserves even in polar regions can only be explained by the
catastrophic burial of billions of plants and animals. Coal (fossil plants) were
deposited by a water catastrophe, not by slow accumulation in swamps. Fossil
trees extend through several layers of coal.
ii) Mammoths by the millions cover about 14% of the earth’s surface from Siberia to
Alaska, frozen so rapidly that their flesh is edible today.
iii) Fossil Dinosaur Bones.
• in Dinosaur National monument Utah contain over 300 different kinds of
• in Geissseltal Germany, we find remains of 6000 fossil vertebrates.
iv) Closed Clams. We find millions of fossil closed clams in a 3 foot stratum in
Texas. Clams do not live packed together like this. Clam shells will open unless
buried before death.
v) Billions of fossilised fish, contorted in agony over 10,000 square miles, with 1000
fish in one square metre are found in England.
vi) Millions of fossil trilobites rolled into defensive balls, and although marine, are
found 7000 feet high on mountains.
vii) 800 billion fossils of amphibians, reptiles and fish covering 200,000 square
miles in the Karoo formation of South Africa.
viii) Rain drops, ripple marks, worm trails, animal tracks, droppings, insect wing
detail and feathers are fossilised.
ix) Sharks flattened to 1/4 inch thick with the tail still upright suggest sudden
catastrophic burial.
x) Rhinoceroses, camels, pigs, etc. make up 9,000 fossil animals in one hill at
Agate Springs, Nebraska.
xi) A 14 foot Portheus fish has swallowed a 6 foot Gillicus fish, with no signs of
xii) A Perch swallowing a Herring is caught in the action by very quick burial at fossil
lake Wyoming.

4. Simple to Complex by Flood Fossil Sorting.
We observe a general sorting of fossils from simple, spherical, dense sea creatures to
less dense, irregular shaped, complex creatures higher up.
a) Evolutionists interpret this to mean that simple creatures lower down evolved to
complex creatures higher up over time.
b) Creationists match these observations with the sorting effect produced by Noah’s
Flood, as follows:
i) Initial effects of the Flood would be to trap smaller, simple, spherical, dense
sea creatures like trilobites in sediment.
ii) Then plants and trees, being immobile, would be swept off the earth and
deposited, becoming coal of today.
iii) Amphibians, living close to the water’s edge and being relatively slow moving
would be deposited next.
iv) Reptiles and Dinosaurs living further inland and being relatively slow moving
(eg. brontosaurus) would be trapped next.
v) Land mammals and birds being faster-moving and living further inland would be
next deposited (eg. lions).
vi) Finally, man, being more intelligent at fleeing to higher ground would be the last
ones overcome by the Flood, and therefore appear on top of the rock strata. The
final effect would be simple organisms lower in the sediment to complex
organisms higher up in the sediment, although contradictions to this order would
be expected due to randomness of the flood action. This is precisely what we see
as predicted by Noah’s Flood.

5. Flood Traditions. Every ancient culture has a Flood tradition. A survey of 120 tribes in
North, South and Central America found every one to have a flood tradition. A post-
Flood population would carry Flood ideas with them as they scattered across the world.
Flood accounts of isolated groups would change over time, but the basic ideas of a
universal Flood, safety in a ship, with few people surviving would survive. Noah’s ark
would have been almost impossible to capsize, having a length to width ratio of 6 to 1
(ie. 300:50 cubits).
Consider these Flood traditions, so similar to the Bible:
a) Babylon: Berosus (300 BC) tells of the archives of the temple of Marduk:
Xisuthros, a king, was warned by one of the gods to build a ship, and take into it his
friends and relatives and all different kinds of animals, with all necessary food.
Whereupon he built an immense ship, which was stranded in Armenia. Upon
subsidence of the Flood, he sent out birds; the third time, they returned not. He
came out, built an altar, and sacrificed.
b) Egyptians had a legend that the gods at one time purified the earth by a great
Flood, from which only a few shepherds escaped.
c) Greek tradition:Deucalion, warned that the gods were going to bring a flood upon the
earth, for its great wickedness, built an ark, which rested on Mount Parnassus. A
dove was sent out twice.
d) Hindu tradition: Manu, warned, built a ship, in which he alone escaped from a
Deluge which destroyed all creatures.
e) Chinese tradition: Fa-He, founder of Chinese civilization, is represented as having
escaped from a Flood sent because man had rebelled against heaven. He and his
wife, 3 sons and 3 daughters were spared.
f) England: Druids had a legend that the world had been re-peopled from a righteous
patriarch who had been saved in a strong ship from a Flood sent to destroy man for
his wickedness.
g) Polynesians have stories of a Flood from which 8 people escaped.
h) Mexicans: One man, his wife and children, were saved in a ship from a worldwide
i) Peruvians: One man and one woman were saved in a box that floated on the flood
j) American Indians: Various legends, in which 1, 3 or 8 persons were saved in a boat
above the waters on a high mountain.
k) Greenland: The earth once tilted over, and all men were drowned, except one man
and one woman, who re-peopled the earth. (International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia.)
Calculations show that Noah’s Ark only needed to be half-full to carry pairs of all
kinds of land animals and food.
l) The Epic of Gilgamesh: George Smith of the British museum found in tablets from
the library of King Assurbanipal at Nineveh, Flood accounts very similar to the
Bible’s. These accounts were copied from tablets of the First Dynasty of Ur (2200
BC), which when later found contained expressions such as: “the age before the
Flood”. Gilgamesh, living about 200 years after the Flood, tells how he visited Noah
on the island of Utnapishtim, who tells the story of the Flood and his escape, as
“The assembly of the gods decided to send a Deluge. They said, On the sinner let
his sin rest. O man of Shuruppak, build a ship, save your life. Construct it with six
stories, each with seven parts. Smear it with bitumen inside and outside. Launch it
upon the ocean. Take into the ship seed of life of every kind. I built it. With all that I had I loaded it, with silver, gold, and all living things that I had. I embarked upon the
ship with my family and kindred. I closed the door. The appointed time arrived. I
observed the appearance of the day. It was terrible. All light was turned to darkness.
The rains poured down. The storm raged like a battle charge on mankind. The boat
trembled. The gods wept. I looked out upon the sea. All mankind was turned to clay,
like logs floating about. The tempest ceased. The flood was over. The ship grounded
on Mt. Zazir. On the seventh day I sent out a dove; it returned. I sent out a swallow;
it returned. I sent out a raven; it alighted, it waded about; it croaked; it did not return.
I disembarked. I appointed a sacrifice. The gods smelled the sweet savour. They
said, Let it be done no more.”


It is impossible to understand anthropology and geology without understanding the effects
of the Flood. Evolution is based on uniformitarianism. Creation explains geological features
on the basis of Flood catastrophism. Evolutionary uniformitarianists declare that all
geological features were caused by gentle processes and natural forces that are operating
Uniformitarianists find difficulty in explaining the causes of:
1) mountain building
2) geosynclines
3) petroleum
4) coal measures
5) glaciation
6) world wide warm climates especially at the poles.
7) mineral deposits
8) peneplains (mountains flattened by erosion)
9) saline deposits, nor can they explain the nature of
10) overthrusting
11) vast volcanic terrains
12) continental uplift processes
13) metamorphism
14) granitization
15) extinction of whole faunas.
Evolutionary Uniformitarianists have difficulty explaining the cause of:
1) Immense fossil graveyards. 75% of land is covered by sedimentary rocks which
contain many billions of fossils of plants and animals that died suddenly. Yet fossilization
does not normally occur today, because it requires sudden death, immediate burial and
great pressure. This is exactly what happened in the Flood. Fossil deposits like the 800
billion vertebrate fossils in the Karro Beds off Africa are not forming today. Immense fossil
beds such as dinosaur graveyards in the Gobi Desert, Agate Springs Quarry in Nebraska,
the Rockies, Black Hills, Sicilian hippopotamus beds, etc, being thrown together in
disorderly masses can only be explained by a worldwide Flood.
As with many animals, dinosaurs gathered together in times of danger. The rising
floodwaters finally overtook and buried them in “dinosaur graveyards”. In the Dinosaur
National Monument in Utah and Colorado, over 300 dinosaurs have been excavated.
2) Dinosaur Extinction. Most species are already extinct. What caused all the dinosaurs
to become extinct so quickly? The worldwide Flood explains this perfectly.
3) No Transitional forms between species in the past or today. If evolution was true, we’d
expect millions of transitional fossils, but we find none. Why? Because evolution never
happened. Each twig on the imaginary plant and animal “family trees” is a distinct plant or
animal type, with no intermediate life forms to connect the twigs. There are no branches, no
trunk, only twigs. The rest of the tree is imaginary.
4) PreCambrian Void of Fossils. Beneath Cambrian strata, we find no fossils at all
because the Precambrian void was the Pre-Flood basement rocks. This is astonishing and
disappointing to evolutionists.
5) Sudden Explosion of Life in Cambrian Strata. The lowest stratum with fossils is
called “Cambrian”, having at least 1500 species of complex invertebrates, all marine of
which 60% are trilobites and 30% are brachiopods. Why did so much complex life suddenly
Answer: They didn’t evolve, but being the slowest moving creatures, they were buried first
in the rising flood waters.
6) Fossil Placement is from slow moving creatures in the lowest strata to faster moving
creatures in higher strata, and not from simple to complex creatures. This, along with many
misplaced fossils show that the Creation/Flood model better explains fossil placement.
7) Polystrate Fossil Trees extending vertically through up to 20 feet of multiple rock
strata. These trees were quickly covered by the strata, otherwise each tree would have
decomposed while waiting 100,000 years for strata to form around it. From top to bottom,
these trees sometimes span “millions of years” of strata. Obviously, both the trees and
sediments around them were deposited at the same time. The Flood easily explains this,
but evolutionary uniformitarianism cannot possibly explain it. In May 1980, the explosion of
Mount St. Helens filled Spirit Lake with vertically floating logs due to the weight of their
roots. In the Flood, as vertically floating logs washed into an area, they were covered
rapidly by sediment, thus forming polystrate fossil trees.
8) Coal and Oil Formation. Most geologists agree that coal came from ancient plants and
oil came from ancient marine animals. Neither coal nor oil is being formed naturally today.
No coal or oil is found in Pleistocene (ice-age) deposits, but instead was quickly laid down
during the Flood.
“Petroleum occurs in rocks of all ages from the Cambrian to the Pliocene, but no petroleum
has been formed naturally since the Pliocene.” (Ben B. Cox, Bulletin of the American
Association of Petroleum Geologists, May 1946, p. 647).
Question: Why did no petroleum form after the Pliocene era?
This is a mystery to evolutionary geologists, but it is no problem to Flood geology.
Answer: From the beginning of the Cambrian to the end of the Pliocene was when the
Flood produced all the oil and coal reserves. Because of Flood conditions, other things
were also deposited in those coal strata, such as boulders, fossil trees, and shale and
sandstone strata in between coal deposits.
9) Overthrusts. Evolution requires that strata with fish fossils (of “older evolutionary age”)
will be underneath strata with land animal fossils (of “younger evolutionary ages”). Instead,
we find examples of what evolutionists call “overthrusts” with “older fossil bearing strata” on
top of “younger fossil bearing strata”. Evolution is totally baffled by this reversal of strata
Question: How can the Swiss Matterhorn and North American Appalachians rest on top of
what evolutionists think is younger strata?
Answer: The Flood turbulence explains this easily as follows:
At some point, some land animals and plants (evolutionary younger) were covered by
Flood-borne sediments. Then, during the Flood, waters with fish (evolutionary older) were
carried in from some distant location and deposited in a pile of sediment above the land
10) Worldwide Flood Legends. Races and tribes from all over the world have traditions
about a great Flood that covered the whole earth.

a) One survey of 120 tribal groups in North, Central and South America revealed Flood
traditions in each group. (International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Vol. 2, p.822).
b) Another survey of ancient literature lists 41 nations with Flood legends, including:
Assyria, Babylon, Alaska, Asia Minor, Aztecs, Brazil, Cherokee, China, Egypt, Eskimo, Fiji,
Greece, Hawaii, India, Italy, Lithuania, Nicaragua, Mexico, Persia, Peru, Russia,
Scandinavia, Sumatra, Syria, Wales, etc. (“The Deluge Story in Stone”, B. Nelson (1968)).
c) Sir James G. Frazer in “Folklore in the O.T.” (1919), Vol. 1, p.146-330) lists 143 ancient
Flood records, including: 11 from ancient Greece, 6 from Europe, 29 from Persia and
India, 31 from Australia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific, 63 from North, Central and South
America and 3 from Africa. (“Symposium on Creation IV, (1972), p.36-38, Donald W.
11) Chinese language characters record ancient Biblical Flood and Creation details, such
a) Boat in Chinese, combines the words vessel and eight (Genesis 7:7,13; 8:13).
b) Rebellion and Confusion in Chinese, combine the words tongue and walking,
reminding us of the scattering of mankind at the Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:4-9).
c) Devil in Chinese, combines the words man, garden and private, reminding us of
the temptation of man in the garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1-7). (‘God’s Promise to the Chinese’,
Nelson, Chock, Broadberry,1997.
12) Warmer climate. “And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it
divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were
UNDER the firmament (ocean) from the waters which were ABOVE the firmament: (water vapour
canopy).”(Genesis 1:6,7).
The firmament separated the water canopy above the earth from the ocean below on the
A great pre-flood water canopy would imply several things, much of which is scientifically
a) Greenhouse Effect world-wide. The water canopy would have captured long-wave
radiation (heat) to heat the earth. Similarly, the dense clouds of Venus give it an even
temperature. We have pole to pole evidence that the pre-flood world was subtropical.
Under the ice caps we find palm leaves, fruit trees, vast subtropical forests, tropical marine
creatures, and coal beds, all explained by a pre-flood water canopy. Fossil-bearing rocks
from all “ages” were laid down during a warm climate worldwide, with none of today’s
climate zones.
b) Arctic fossils are similar to those of low latitudes. (W.J. Miller, An Introduction to
Historical Geology (1952), p. 116).
c) Large coal deposits are found in Antarctica, proving that it once had a warm climate
with much vegetation and large trees.
d) In Alaska and the Arctic Circle have been found fossilized mangroves, palm trees, a 90
foot high plum tree with green leaves and ripe fruit, mammoths, sabre tooth tigers, etc.
13) Lower Sea Levels. In the past, the ocean basins filled up with water, as seen by
extinct volcanoes hundreds of feet under today’s sea level with their tops flattened off
(seamounts). What caused them?
Answer: Volcanic activity began before the Flood ended. These volcanoes in the ocean
basin had their summits eroded away by storm and wave action as sea levels reached their
summits. The oceans kept filling and rising, and the horizontal tops became submerged.
14) Coral Atolls are also explained by rising Flood sea levels. Coral only grows within 200
feet of the ocean surface, yet the remains of earlier coral are found much deeper in the
ocean. As oceans neared their present level, coral atolls were built above seamounts.
15) Similarities between plants and trees in Brazil and West Africa imply that the South
Atlantic did not exist as a broad ocean before the Flood.
16) Submarine Canyons are found just where our major rivers enter the oceans. Many of
these V-shaped canyons are extensions of major rivers, such as the Amazon Canyon, the
Hudson Canyon, the Ganges Canyon, the Indus Canyon and the Congo Canyon. What
forces could gouge out canyons that are sometimes 15,000 feet below sea level? These
canyons could only have formed if the ocean level was then lower, and was gradually filled
by floodwaters pouring from the skies through these rivers, then the ocean floors sank.
17) Underwater River Channels on the ocean floor. Modern sounding equipment has
revealed thousands of river beds extending from the continents on the ocean floors, e.g. the
Congo river runs 145 miles under the Atlantic ocean, the Hudson river has dug a channel
90-300 miles under the Atlantic Ocean.
18) Large River Gorges with small streams. In the past, these rivers carried a far greater
volume of water, as seen by the many large boulders left in these gorges. Evolutionists
think a little stream cut through solid rock over millions of years to produce these gorges.
These rocks were not hard rock when first laid down by the flood, but soft mud and loose
sand. The gorge was created by great quantities of this soft mud being washed away by
enormous volumes of floodwaters receding in the few years after the Flood.
19) Sedimentary rock strata worldwide were all laid down during and after the Flood by its
immense wave and storm erosion.
20) Mountain Building. There were no high mountains before the Flood. “all the high hills,
that were under the whole heaven, were covered. Fifteen cubits upward did the waters
prevail; and the mountains were covered. And all flesh died.” (Genesis 7:14-21).
Mountain building includes the production of our present folded and volcanic mountains and
ranges, as well as raising of continental masses and sinking of ocean basins.
On the basis of fossil evidence, most scientists believe that most of our mountain ranges
uplifted during the Pleistocene or late Pliocene periods (both of which occurred shortly after
the flood). E.g. Alps, Andes and Himalayas mountains rose and sea basins sank. Water
flowed into these basins, and under its great weight they sank even further.
Rock strata being water-logged and pliable folded up, down, sideways or was overturned,
giving rise to our present great, non volcanic mountain ranges.
Most of the floodwaters (now in the oceans) came from underground, not from the skies
(Genesis 7:11). This up-swelling of water in giant geysers caused violent upheavals
underground. The ground became folded, crunched and twisted as it adapted to the huge
forces unleashed, leading to continents rising and seafloors sinking.
21) Vulcanism. Flood water coming from underground, most likely would have been
accompanied by volcanic eruptions. The volcanic ash shooting up into the water canopy
would have provided the dust necessary to condense the water canopy into rain drops, thus
causing the 40 days of rain.
Genesis 7:11 gives this as the order of events: “the same day were all the fountains of the
great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened”.
Vast volcanic action would produce huge lava flows. This would explain the origin of
today’s Indian Deccan Plateau containing volcanic rock two miles deep, as well as the
Igneous American Columbian plateau in NW USA covering 200,000 square miles and
averaging 3000 feet deep.

When water came out of the ground, rocks shifted to fill these gaps, leaving huge cracks
down which water flowed and contacted molten magna. The release of so much water from
deep underground caused immense low and high pressures within the earth. Rocks shifted
to fill these gaps, leaving huge cracks down which water flowed, hitting the molten rock.
This caused exploding jets of lava to pour out of the earth’s surface, producing thousands of
volcanoes. For example, in 1883, the volcanic island of Krakatoa developed a sideways
crack, through which seawater poured, flowing down the main vent hole. This caused the
explosion which was heard 4800 kilometres away, produced tidal waves 130 feet high and
drowned 36,000 people on nearby islands. It caused a worldwide temperature drop lasting
5 years. There are thousands of extinct volcanoes at Pleistocene (Flood) levels worldwide.
Oozing lava built India’s Deccan Plateau which in some places is 3 km deep. No ancient
volcanic lava beds are ever found below the Cambrian level, because the Cambrian marks
the beginning of the Flood.
Volcanic action occurred during and after the Flood as seen from pillow lavas formed when
lava ejects from underwater volcanoes. Pillow lava is the most abundant volcanic rock on
22) Ice Age. There are over 10,000 extinct land and underwater volcanoes worldwide.
During the Flood they poured out so much smoke that they darkened the sky, resulting in
rapid cooling of the earth. These pollutants would have remained 16-50 km high for many
years, triggering the Ice Age.
A four-fold increase in atmospheric dust could decrease average surface temperature by 3
OC. Rapid cooling caused by thousands of volcanic explosions during and after the Flood,
brought on the Ice Age.
23) Animals frozen at the Poles implies catastrophe, not uniformitarianism. In Siberia and
Alaska, millions of mammoths and other animals have been snap-frozen in ice in some
areas, and deposited in watery graves in other areas. These mammoths died suddenly, in
intense cold and in great numbers. Death came so quickly that the swallowed vegetation is
yet undigested in their stomachs and mouths. The Bereskova Mammoth of Siberia had
edible flesh. Its stomach contained 30 pounds of undigested subtropical vegetation, and its
mouth was full of partly chewed food. The time between death and freezing can be
determined accurately by the extent of water separation within the cell. Water begins to
separate within the cell at death, and ceases to separate at freezing. The small extent of
separated water indicates that they were rapidly frozen at temperatures below –150 F.
Question: What dropped the mammoths so quickly with such unearthly cold?
Answer: Frozen food experts say that these mammoths must have been frozen at well
below –150F. Sled dogs have been in Arctic blizzards under –80F for days without freezing.
Even the centre of these mammoths were snap frozen and undecomposed. These cold
temperatures exist in Jupiter’s satellites Callisto, Ganymede, Io and Europa, as well as in
Saturn’s icy rings, crust and satellites, along with Uranus and Nepture. If icy particles
nearing –200F were deposited on earth from such a cosmic visitor, this could produce a
great icy avalanche of supercooled ice that would immediately asphyxiate these animals,
freezing their lungs solid. They would drop immediately followed by death and freezing
within minutes. Wrangel, the explorer, observed on Bear Island (Medvizhi Ostrova) that the
soil consisted of only sand, ice and so many mammoth bones that this seemed to be the
chief substance on the island. Ice is conically stacked in places at 15,000 feet deep in the
Arctic and 10,000 feet deep at Byrd Station in Antarctica. The Catastrophism model would
suggest that:
a) the ice was transported across the solar system in a comet-like orbit to the Earth-moon
b) the second phase was a deflection of the cold, icy particles by earth’s Van Allen radiation
belts. These electrically charged particles of ice were redirected over the magnetic polar
regions, reducing their velocity, causing them to descend over a vast magnetic polar area
and concentrate in different locations during their descents, thus forming the centres or
nodes of the ice mass and the snap freezing of all living things in the area. The effect of this
was to:
i) completely condense the pre-flood water vapour canopy that allowed tropical climates
at the poles.
ii) increase the earth’s inclination from perpendicular to 23 ½ degrees.
iii) ultimately raise sea levels by 350 ft to 450 ft.
iv) flood the continental shelves.
v) cause orogenic uplift in the Pacific rim and Himalayas.
vi) cause a bleeding of lava, forming new basalt plateaus on several continents.
vii) cause a rash of over 10,000 new volcanoes which further reduced temperatures
viii)cause glacial scouring.
ix) increase ocean salinity due to increased rainfall and water running off continents and
x) Bury billions of animals and trillions of plants, many being preserved today as fossils.
xi) cause early human civilization to develop in glacier free areas such as Egypt,
Mesopotamia, India and China. As the Ice Age retreated, civilization spread further.
xii) Make human survivors and their early generations very catastrophe-minded.
xiii) Ice sheets moved southward down the continents causing the Ice Age and glaciation.
xiv) Reduced human longevity. See graph.
24. Glaciation. There is abundant evidence that northern Asia, all of Canada, and about
25% of USA were once covered by glacial ice. These were caused by:
a) The darkening of the skies by volcanic dust,
b) The loss of earth’s thermal blanket, the water vapour canopy, which gave the pre Flood
world a greenhouse effect. These glaciers scoured solid granite and left dumps of
sediments and boulders at their sides and ends.
25. Sudden Warming. After the Flood, volcanic activity declined, the volcanic dust settled
back to earth, and much of the earth warmed up again, causing a rather rapid receding of
the glacial sheets. Sudden warming quickly increased the melting of ice, draining of glacial
lakes, and water runoff through rivers and deltas into the oceans.
26. Radiation, Size, Longevity. The pre-Flood water canopy and great ozone canopy
would have greatly shielded the earth from short-wave (high frequency) gamma, x-rays, and
UV radiation. (This would have invalidated C-14 production and hence C-14 dating before
the flood). These harmful rays cause mutations, and ageing. If these rays were largely kept
out, we would expect greater health, lifespan and possibly size of pre-flood creatures.
Some pre-Flood insects had 2 foot wing spans. Some birds had 30 foot wing spans. Some
dinosaurs weighed 50 tons, some humans had feet 20 inches long. Today we are seeing
larger squids in some areas due to higher carbon dioxide levels associated with global

Conclusion: The facts taken as a whole point to a worldwide Flood and not to long ages of sedimentary strata
production and evolution through transitional species.